Therapie Clinic

I recently visited Therapie Clinic in the Overgate Centre and was very impressed. Therapie Clinic in Dundee opened earlier this year and offers various clinical beauty treatments. This is a very exciting time for beauty in Dundee. It is about time that we got some new beauty treatments to keep up with the bigger more cosmopolitan cities.


Therapie Clinic is a family-run business which originated in Ireland. They now feature stores around the United Kingdom. The clinic believe that beauty is more than just skin deep and use non-surgical procedures to enhance people without changing them.

At Therapie they specialise in providing fantastic visual and measurable results. They strive for top class customer service which the company is widely known for. Therapie Clinic are very much focused on creating a clinic that has payment options to suit everyone which is important within the current economic crisis we are facing today. All employees are fully trained and specialise in treatments so no need to be apprehensive as you are quite literally in safe and professional hands.

Initial thoughts

The store is very well lit and has a good location being right in the centre of Dundee. I like the layout of the store and was really impressed with the clutter free furnishings. Keeping the units clutter free instantly drew my attention to what products that were available. The products were displayed in an eye-catching way and were available to purchase. Having the products displayed neatly really was a pleasant experience and I felt not overwhelmed as I have done in previous situations where products were packed back to back with no room for picking up without knocking something over. The store has a professional feel about it and uses top quality products for their clients. The size of the store is very deceiving from the outside. Behind the reception desk there is a seating area which is perfect for customers who don’t like to sit in full view of passers-by, which I felt was a practical idea. Especially for the male clients who may not want to be seen.

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Arriving into store for my first appointment I was very excited yet somewhat nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. I was feeling anxious as to what they might think of my skin and if I was doing enough to keep it in a healthy condition (I have never been confident with my skin). The staff greeted me with smiles and kindly asked me to fill in paper work to get to know me and my concerns etc. I was offered water and given more than enough time to fully read the documentation and to fill in the important information. The whole team were very welcoming and didn’t rush me throughout my time in store. I was made to feel important and treated the same way. The treatments were extensively explained for myself from the initial chat and documentation to the process itself. As previously mentioned, the staff are all trained to a high standard and this reflects when talking with them about the treatments and their experience in the industry. I found myself learning more and more about skin care and I really enjoyed it.


The clinic has so much available that it can feel somewhat over whelming but the staff are very skilled at recommending specific treatments suitable for you which is fantastic and saves time and money. It allows you to invest your time in the treatments that will work for you and see results from day one.

My skin has always been an issue for me. I have struggled with sensitivity and spot prone skin for years. I’ve always tried to maintain a skin regime, but I have found that my day to day life has become so demanding and my time is becoming less and less each week. This has affected my routine and unfortunately my skin isn’t in it’s best condition that it could be. Good skin care is very important and if you look after your skin you will feel and look so much healthier. I need to force myself to keep this in mind.


On this visit I was lucky enough to be given a facial with Environ skin care products. I have had previous facials with this brand and can honestly say that you feel the results straightaway. My skin was very dehydrated and required some moisture to go below the top layer of skin. These products are widely known for achieving great results and are not harsh on the skin. I have always enjoyed having a facial and was looking forward to getting started with Therapie to try and improve a more radiant and healthy skin. Achieving this would allow me to feel more confident with myself and in my skin. The staff were amazing with the consultation and making sure I was understanding the process and getting everything, I could out of the treatment.

The facial itself was so relaxing and the therapist talked me through what was to happen, what products would be used on my face during the treatment and recommended a skin care regime solely beneficial for myself to tackle my problem areas and skin concerns.

The therapist knew how much pressure to apply to my face and this allowed my skin to get the full benefit of the treatment it was requiring and without seeing my face I could feel how clean and fresh it felt. It’s the same feeling you have when your hairdresser washes your hair!

After the facial I felt so renewed. My face was glowing, and I noticed that straightaway. My skin felt so hydrated and it looked more healthier which is amazing and just shows how quickly these products get to work. I couldn’t have been any happier with the results and this was just after one facial. I can’t stress how impressed I am with Therapie as a whole. I would be very confident in recommending them to everyone.

I am very much looking forward to my next appointment. I would like to thank the whole team at Therapie. Stay up to date with my blog and social media channels as there is so much more to come with this company.

Growing up and looking after yourself.


Winner of Red Dot Design Awards 2016




I’ve always had a love hate relationship with my skin since my early teens. I noticed a huge change in it and it gradually became worse over the years. I tried going to the DR and all I was given were tablets and lotions that aggravated my skin. The lotions dried my skin right out and made my whole face very tight and sore. My skin was very red and inflamed. I began to lose confidence and became very upset with my appearance due to tother girls being very mean and calling me names. I was referred to Dermatology but they didnt really give or do anything for my skin concerns. I was told to try a foundation to cover the redness and that I would eventually grow out of it. I thought by covering it up it would stop the problem but it only made it to look worse due to the dry areas that clung to the foundation.

Over the years my skin went from getting worse to almost clearing up and repeated this sequence on and on throughout my teenage years. Nothing seemed to help and I just gave up trying to find a solution. I felt that no one was there to help and I got very frustrated. Becoming a teenager is a hard experience as it is let alone feeling more down with the state of your skin and having no one to give you advice. It wasn’t very pleasant to look at and I hated to look at myself in the mirror so I tried to avoid them at all costs. It did affect how I felt about myself and it got me down a lot. I didn’t like the way I looked at all. It felt like I was being punished for something. It made me feel that it was just myself feeling this way. Every other girl in my class and school seemed to have perfect skin and looked flawless.

When I started modelling it was here where my skin care journey kicked off.  I had no previous knowledge or no one I knew told me the importance of a good skin care regime. I was working with beauty and skin care professionals who took at interest in my skin and gave me advice on what products to use and foods that will help. I was educated on the type of skin I have and how best to keep it healthy. I began to feel more confident again and enjoyed being a teenager.

As your skin is the largest organ of the human body its very important to look after it. Over time I have seen my beauty product collections change and grow. This is important as your skin renews every four weeks. So by changing products is a good things to do . It is important to add that you might not see a difference straight away with your skin. Don’t every feel down or lose interest in your skin or never give up hope. Keep educating yourself on new treatments and products until you find what works for you.

I really enjoy pampering myself these days with new products and see my skin so differently. It is true what they say, “What you put into your body is what you get out”. I’m a huge believer in drinking lots of water to help clear up your skin from impurities. I also enjoy using face masks and having facials done to make sure my pores are as clean as they can be to ensure no breakouts.

Just as important are your teeth. We only get one set of teeth so keeping them clean and healthy is so important. I have really thin gums so finding a tooth brush that isn’t too rough or big has always been an issue for me. I find the soft manual ones don’t clean as well yet the medium cleans but it also is causing me to brush too hard. My dentist recommended using an electric tooth brush as they clean more effectively and stop you from pressing too hard against your gums. Which is a good way of keeping your gums from getting damaged. I did some research into what ones are good and value for money. I also didn’t want a noisy toothbrush or one that was too bulky for taking on holiday.

I came across the brand Ubersonic which is  a new brand that I hadn’t heard been aware of until now. I was excited and intrigued to learn that this tooth brush is made from the same material as an Iphone! How Cool! Not only that but it is the world’s first aluminium tooth brush which is very cleaver. From reading more about this product I decided I’d love to try this toothbrush for myself. It not only looks good but it’s very easy to use and it is not bulky at all which makes this product perfect for me. The tooth brush is not noisy either which is a bonus. The tooth brush is so lightweight and easy to manoeuvre about your mouth without it rubbing or causing any unnecessary bleeding. The bristles are soft yet still give your teeth a good clean which is another requirement I had been searching for.

This product lasts ages without needing charged up. There is a red warning light that flashes to alert that it is needing charged which is a good visual aid to have. I am very impressed with this product, I even take it with me when I go travelling as it is easy and convenient to pack. It even comes with a travel safe clip which is really handy as nothing will bump into it. This company really have designed a fantastic product that is one of a kind. The best part is it only costs £19. Go check out the website: Ubersonic .

I am really happy with this tooth brush and have actually enjoyed cleaning my teeth. I am so glad that I found this company. I have been using this tooth brush for over three months and hand on heart won’t change brand.


Thank you for reading.

Nicole xxx


Silver, sand and sea

Hello and welcome to nicspicknmix, on the blog I am discussing my tips on how I wear my jewellery. I am petite and I normally like my jewellery to be the same. I wear jewellery to compliment my frame. I feel that this works best for me. Although, I know some people prefer the exact opposite and wear pieces that stand out, but then again this may work better for them.

That being said, what I select for the daytime compared to that at night time tends to differ quite dramatically. During the day I choose to wear jewellery that keeps my style simple and clean. I like to wear only one or two pieces which in my eyes, isn’t going over the top, unless I’m wearing a full set of course. If I have a full set at hand to match my outfit then I’m quite happy to wear a bit more than normal, it doesn’t hurt to stand out a bit after all, especially if everything co-ordinates. My daytime minimalist preferences stem from my tendency to wear jeans and a jumper. At night however, things are completely different. When I go out I like to be as dramatic as possible in line with the event that I’m off to. This is reflected in the jewellery I wear as well. For me, I think a lot of the style you wear comes down to the individual and their preference. The World would be a boring place if we lacked individuality and I think it should be embraced at every opportunity. Heidi & Co must have thought about this. They have three different brands, Smeidi, Libby May and Evy B with the products only produced on a limited run. This gives me the confidence that I won’t be on a night out and see everyone wearing the same as me.

As a blogger I am always experimenting and trying to up my style game. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t. Fashion for me is sometimes a bit of a learning curve, but it’s necessary to experiment especially when trying to find out what works well for yourself with the ever changing styles and trends. The one down side on this ever changing nature is of course the cost. It’s important to keep up with the times but there is no point in getting yourself into debt. I really am appreciative of being lucky enough to be a brand ambassador for Heidi & Co helping me keep creative and stylish.  Working in this team has been such an inspiring experience. Not only have I had the chance to meet other fantastic bloggers I have also been able to learn more about myself as a blogger.

Whilst browsing the latest jewellery from Heidi & Co I was drawn to the circle bracelet. I really liked the simple design and how delicate it appeared to be. I felt that this piece would be adaptable for using at many occasions from a day out exploring to a lovely romantic meal. I like exploring a lot and try to put a lot of thought into my outfit before the day. I visited Incholm Island near Edinburgh at the weekend and wore my new circle bracelet to compliment my daytime look, check it out below!

Double circle bracelet £18.99

The island is beautiful and I almost forgot I was only a short distance from Edinburgh. For such a small island there is surprisingly a lot to see. I explored the historic Abbey and remnants from the World War which was most interesting. If you are like myself and love learning about history I highly recommend this day trip. As long as you like travelling by boat that is, as this is the only way on to the island. You are given the freedom to explore as much or as little of this magnificent island as you like. The views are phenomenal and it made me think about what we have today thanks to the bravery of the soldiers.

Thank you for reading and please do check out Heidi & Co via the links below.

Heidi & co website

Hedi & Co Instagram

Much love

Nicole x

Period charity project (Period Friendly Project)

Hello and welcome to nicspicknmix. Today I am introducing you all to something completely different to what I normally blog about.

I put myself forward to spread the word about an amazing charity project, which helps homeless women to overcome certain obstacles in their lives. The Simon Community Scotland charity helps over 500 women. They aim to help women to gain control of their lives and to be given emergency accommodation to keep them safe and off the street through their street team. The Simon Community Scotland along with the street team are now launching a Period Friendly programme to help these women to maintain their dignity, to show that there are people who care and services to both support and listen to them. We need to stand together and make a change as no woman or girl should ever have to be in the position to have to make a D.I.Y tampon or towel, wear the same pair of pants for days on end. No woman or girl should ever have to change behind a bin either! He Simon Community Scotland makes a good point that “the smallest bit of generosity can go a long, long way” and I couldn’t agree more’!

In order for this to happen and to give these women the help that they need, Simon Community Scotland are launching a brand new project on the 23rd August 2017 in Glasgow which has been called: Period Friendly Point (PFP). This is hoped to help homeless women to have ‘a period of dignity’.

So how exactly will this project work?
The Period Friendly Points are locations which are catered for the homeless. The project once it has grown overtime more organisations will hopefully be keen to help out. The PFP’s will have a display which will have free and easily accessible sanitary products, wipes, pants and disposable bags and information leaflets about the products. There will also be pregnancy tests and infection tests there to give women the peace of mind should these be required. Not only will there be products handed out but members of staff will be there to chat to should there be anything the women need to talk about.

Not only are they doing all of the above but the street team are to be handing out Period Friendly Pax which are discrete and compact bags for women who are sleeping rough. The bags include tampons, towels, pants, wipes and disposable bags. The perfect thing about these bags is they can be refilled by the street team or at the nearest PFP. There will also be information given in the bag about what this project is about and where they can go for help etc.

This project is a fantastic idea and one I am happy to be blogging about. Every woman experiences periods and we all know how expensive these products are to buy. Periods shouldn’t be seen as a topic that we don’t speak about instead we should be supporting one another through it like the Simon Community Scotland are setting out to do. Women should be empowering one another and by doing a small it it will make a huge difference to a woman or girl somewhere.

How can you help ?
It will cost the Simon Community around £15 for a five day supply which includes: 5 towels, 12 tampons, 3 pairs of pants, travel wipes, disposable bags and information. If you would like to donate please textPFPR28 to 70070 with the amount you would like to donate: £5 or £10.

There is another way that you can help, if you have have a couple of hours to spare a month or a week we’d welcome your help. What we need our P.F.Pals to do is:

Visit the period friendly points and restock their supplies

Collect and sort donations into Pax and refresher packs at our warehouse in Glasgow

Help raise funds and products to maintain the period friendly points and pax.

Support, promote and raise awareness of the issues homeless women experience.

Be a listening ear and a support to the women we reach out to.

I think you will agree that this is a fantastic project and one that is long overdue. I hope we can all do our bit to help and support to keep this project alive to help,our fellow sisters.

For more information please visit the web links below:

I would like to send a huge thank you to Kirstin and all the team at the Simon Community Scotland for all their hard work. I am honoured to be blogging about this project and I hope to help out more.

Thank you for reading and I hope you are able to help out in some way.

Much love

Nicole x

Charming Cherie Bumble

Hello and welcome to nicspicknmix . On the blog today I am delighted to introduce Cherie Bumble.

I am an avid gym goer and I like to keep both active and fit. I have always believed that going to the gym and wearing active clothing should be fun, comfortable yet still stylish. There are lots and lots of brands out there each having their own aims and having a go at being fashionable yet I still feel that they don't flatter my petite frame.

That is until I was introduced to Cherie Bumble. Cherie Bumble is based in the United Kingdom and specialises in luxury activewear which takes its inspiration from modern day fitness. Cherie Bumble offers on trend pieces which have many patterns, colours and technical fabrics to suit the fast pace of life. They aim to bring fashion-forward designs with a luxury touch at an affordable price. They thrive to meet the demands of fashion and fitness savvy women.

This brand is what myself and many other women have been looking for. I feel that Cherie knows exactly what is required of an active brand that actually does two things , keeps you from sweating and keeps you looking stylish. Cherie has great knowledge about what works for gym wear materials due to her partner being a professional footballer. I feel it is vital to have a sound understanding of this as you know what works and what doesn't work.

I believe it is so important to feel confident in your activewear and to be comfortable as well. Activewear needs to be flexible and adaptable as you never know what the weather can be like should you be outdoors. I find myself more than not wearing activewear be it lounging around the house or at the gym. I am always looking for activewear which can be worn at home and if I'm nipping to a shop without looking untidy- hence my admiration for Cherie Bumble. Wearing this brand made me realise how fantastic I felt and looked. I no longer needed to feel scruffy when out as these pieces are high end and eye catching.

Cherie Bumble has a good selection of styles to choose from . I like how the materials are all flexible and quick drying. This brand really can be used for any form of fitness which is very handy indeed. The designs are so cleverly put together and look well made. Any patterns that are on the pieces are so discrete which may suit some women who don't like much fuss on their clothing. The material is quite huggy but this is what you need whilst working out . This being said the pieces are a true fit so I opted for a bigger size than normal.

I was very lucky to have been sent a huge selection of fabulous activewear pieces. Which I adore. Firstly, the Bella jacket which costs £60.00. This jacket is an eye-catching blue colour with a black zip. There is an air vent on the back to allow for breath ability and movement. There are thumb holes which are fantastic for comfort and as I am petite I feel this helps me to fit the jacket better. I have also found that these protect my hands when I'm lifting weights. The material is very lightweight and flexible. It's very well designed and features two spacious pockets which I always look for. This jacket is so fashionable I often wear it out with a pair of jeans for everyday attire. I feel it is an all rounder.

Next up is the Veve vest which costs £30.00. The design includes reflective panels on both the front and back-great for being outside for safety. I found whilst working out in this vest I stayed cool and this was to do with the cleaver performance technology that Cherie uses. I honestly didn't sweat much at all and especially didn't have that horrible clingy sweat that sticks to you after working out.

I was also sent the Lucia leggings which cost £45.00. The leggings are very clingy so perhaps ordering a bigger size will be a good idea. These leggings also feature the reflective panels on. It's side pockets and have a waist band that folds over. I felt very comfortable wearing these leggings. They are made from top quality material which again kept m body cool. They were not see through at all – like some leggings can be. These products are all very well made and you can see and feel the quality.

Lastly I also received the Jaguar jacket in black which costs £60.00. There is also a loose hood which is very handy for the Scottish weather I often face whilst out running. I also am a huge fan of the reflective panel on the back. This jacket is very stylish and goes with anything so it's great to match with other Cherie Bumble pieces.

I understand that this activewear brand is quite pricey but believe me when I say it's worth every penny. They use up to date cooling technology which helps a lot. The pieces as I've mentioned are very fashionable and unlike any other brand out there and are designed with women in mind. I am so glad to have been introduced to Cherie Bumble. Why not us my discount code NICOLE10 to gain 10% off your order.

Cherie Bumble website
Cherie Bumble Instagram
Cherie Bumble twitter

I would urge you all you gym bunnies and activewear lovers to check this brand out. Plenty to choose from and there really isn't another fashion cautious women specialises brand out there.

Thank you Cherie for sending these pieces to me and to be given this opportunity of working with you. I hope to work with you again soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you enjoy Cherie Bumble as much as I do.

Much love
Nicole x

Rosamund of Scotland

Hello and welcome to nicspicnmix, on the blog today I am introducing Rosamund of Scotland to you all.

Rosamund of Scotland is a new Scottish design brand for women using sustainability sourced textiles. Rosamund's designs are quirky, original, beautifully crafted and luxurious. Rosamund of Scotland is a family run fashion brand. In fact it is a mother and daughter team behind the brand- Girl power indeed! The whole process is carried out in their workshop. From sketching to creating the finished piece. The materials used are of top quality.

This brand is so unique and very different to any I have worked with before and I love how creative the pieces are. They certainly do stand out. It is a brand where you can tell who made it straight away- which is fantastic. I really enjoy fun and unusual designs. It fits in really well with my motto of experimenting and pushing boundaries with fashion. There really is not another brand like Rosamund of Scotland which is exciting. I am waiting eagerly to see what they design next.

I am so fortunate to have a bespoke dress designed for myself from the Love letter collection. With the dress being made to measure it makes it more special as it's designed to fit you only. The dress compliments my shape very well. It has an elegant style to it. The cream material compliments my skin tone which surprised me as this is not a colour I usually wear. The dress is so comfortable to wear and it makes me feel like a 1950's pin up girl.

Dress costs £130.00

Dress also comes with matching clutch. Price £48.00

The company have been getting a lot of attention from the media which is great and very exciting for a local company. The team behind the brand are so passionate and hard working that I am so pleased that they are getting the recognition that they truly deserve . No one realises how much time and effort that goes into creating and maintaining a business until you start one yourself. I enjoy reading about what they are up to next and what fashion show they are taking part in – maybe one day I could walk in their designs!

I honestly can't recommend this brand enough- I could rave about them all day and still have only touched the surface. Please check them out . They are so different and I can guarantee you'll fall in love with them and their designs. The company are one to look out for.

Thank you to Rosamund of Scotland for giving me this opportunity. I am forever grateful and I hope to work with you again.

Please check out their websites below:

Rosamund of Scotland Facebook
Rosamund of Scotland website
Rosamund of Scotland Instagram

If you do purchase a design please let me see you wearing them as I'd love to see your outfits.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you enjoyed learning about Rosamund of Scotland.

Much love


Get the Dress

Hello and welcome to nicspick’n’mix. On the blog, today I would like to introduce you to an up and coming fashion brand called Get the Dress.

Get the Dress is an online fashion store which offers affordable and stylist fashion for women. They focus on dresses to suit any occasion. They also cater for a variety of sizes- 8-16.

Get the Dress’s website is very easy to navigate around and creates a sophisticated feel due to it being clutter free. They have kept it simple with all the relevant information required. The pictures clearly show what the dresses look like on and no editing to modify the look of the dress. I like how the pictures are kept focused on the dress solely and not worn on “models” as such, it allows the customer to in vision the dress in a more real aspect if you like. I like the lay out a lot and don’t feel stressed when I browse this website. It’s a pleasure to view. The website has everything clearly marked with each dress in its own category.

I admire how they have chosen to specialise in dresses alone. It gives the feeling that they know their products inside out from choosing to do this. I like how these dresses are unique to any other brand I have ever worn or worked with. The company provide great customer service and the communication is of a high standard. They offer free delivery in the UK which is a huge bonus. And the delivery is very fast.

Get the Dress have a tremendous selection of style to choose from, the body con dresses to skater dresses. No matter your shape or size you will find your perfect dress for that special event or party from this company.

I found it very difficult to select a dress from the selection since I had a few favourites. I felt that all the styles were very elegant and would be great for events that I had coming up. The designs and patterns were so unusual that it added to my struggles of choosing a dress. In the end, I decided to go for a body con dress called LUCIANA. The dress shouted elegance, style and glamour to me. It was so classy yet with the off the shoulder finish it was very feminine and chique. I love the bardot shape with the v-plunge detail. The dress was black with floral designs and a body hugger. It does cling to your curves but I a very flattering way. The dress was made from polyester which was light weight and not difficult to move in. The shape and style of the dress towards the bottom came inwards which made some movements harder but I wasn’t uncomfortable wearing the dress. I felt like the character from Pretty women when she went to the races. As you all know about me pushing my boundaries with fashion this must be one style I had never worn before and I am so glad that I chose this dress.


Luciana Dress £21.99

This is one company that you need to shop at and one to look out for. I love to see the latest dresses that come onto the website. My first stop when choosing a dress for any occasion.

I would like to thank the team at Get the Dress for allowing me to have the privilege of collaboration with them.

Please do check out their dresses for yourselves. Here are the links :

Get the Dress website

Get the Dress Facebook

Get the Dress Instagram

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I do hope you enjoyed reading and if you do purchase a dress from Get the Dress please do let me see which one you chose.

Nicole x

Glitzy Angel

Hello and welcome to my blog. On nicspick’n’mix today I would be delighted to introduce you to a brand very close to my heart- Glitzy Angel.

Glitzy Angel was founded in 2009 as an online boutique based in Dundee, Scotland. Glitzy Angel allows fashion conscious females a boutique where they can purchase unique dresses at affordable prices. They always have new stock arriving each week at low prices and promotions which allows for more reasons why to shop with Glitzy Angel!

I have known and had the opportunity of working with Glitzy Angel since 2009. I have observed and witnessed this company grow from strength to strength. The team behind Glitzy Angel offer good customer service and do help when you require any advice. The selection of top brands and outfits is amazing. There is always great choice from day dresses to tracksuits to swimwear. Everything can be found from this one website.

The Glitzy Angel website is very well laid out. I like how they have tabs for all the popular brands such as AX Paris, Lipsy, Motel and so on. This makes it more shopper friendly. All the information that you require about the items you are looking at is all in front of you – so no need to look around endlessly. The website is kept simple but very eye-catching – has to be my top website so far!

With having Glitzy Angel near where I live is amazing- it makes it more personal. It is such a great feeling to a local company to do so well and to be fortunate enough to have worked with them from the beginning.  I feel so lucky. It is this company who have given me the confidence to experiment with fashion.

Glitzy Angel kindly sent me a few items to wear. Firstly, a Lipsy open back cape blouse in wild berry. This item is on sale for £10! What a bargain! The blouse is elasticated at the waistband which makes it sit more comfortably without moving out of place. The blouse is very easy to wear and with the open back adds a touch of glamour to your outfit. I styled my blouse over an orange t-shirt as the blouse is made from sheer material, so it would show through the blouse and made a cool colour effect. This blouse would be perfect for any holidays abroad as its very light weight but so fashionable.



Orange Tshirt: Top Shop Blouse: Lipsy from Glitzy Angel Black Leggings: Zara Wedges: Newlook



The second item was from the AX Paris range. The oversized t-shirt with the “F” word slogan. This is my favourite t-shirt. It goes with anything and everything. It can even be worn as a dress- if you’re petite like I am! This t-shirt is so roomy and very comfortable to wear. It’s not made from material that clings to you or over hearts you. I feel with this t-shirt you can either dress it up or down depending on your social outing. It is that versatile. It costs £16.00, which is good value. I styled my t-shirt with wet look black leggings, leather boots, a black DKNY hand bag and a dark navy blazer.


Blazer: Redherring T-shirt: AX Paris from Glitzy Angel Wet look leggings: River Island Leather Boots: River Island Handbag: DKNY




Please do go check out Glitzy Angel, you will be spoilt for choice. Thank you to the team at Glitzy Angel for allowing me to work with you it really is a pleasure.


Please check out their website and social media accounts below where you will find promotional codes to use:

Glitzy Angel Website

Glitzy Angel Facebook page

Glitzy Angel Twitter

Glitzy Angel Instagram


A big thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have enjoyed reading. I would love to hear from you so please do get in touch.

Nicole x






Fashion Snip

Hello and welcome to my blog. On the blog today I am featuring the brand Fashion Snip.

I am so excited to introduce you to this brand. They stock so many cool pieces and I am sure you’ll agree when you check them out for yourselves.

When I was given the opportunity to collaborate with Fashion Snip I was delighted. I enjoy working with brands especially ones that are not as well known yet. It is always so exciting for my followers to see new brands. It is also great to be able to show my followers that there are more options out there which opens new clothing styles to them.

So, who is Fashion Snip?

Fashion Snip is a mixed brands outlet who are based in London. They aim to bring the latest fashion trends at the best prices. They cover a huge range of clothing options from ripped jeans to party dresses. They like to make fashion easy and affordable. They believe that you shouldn’t have to search lots of stores to find your perfect fashion fix. In fact, they believe you’ll find everything you need on their website at a “snip” of the price! What’s not to like?

Fashion Snips website is so easy to navigate around, well laid out and everything is clearly labelled. Bright and colourful in design yet not too over powering. I like how you can zoom in and see the items up close. This gives a good idea as to what the piece will look like. All relevant information is on hand which I like. There is no need to click on numerous links to try and find what your needing as it’s all there in front of you.

I was super lucky to be sent a selection of clothing- white high waisted plain skinny jeans (£8.00), Black embellished midi body con dress (£5.00) and a light blue denim off shoulder ¾ sleeve top (£5.00). All the pieces arrived as described on the website and all fitted me well. I liked the items that were sent to me and took them on various holidays.

I wore the embellished dress whilst on holiday in Majorca, I decided to wear it out in the evening. The dress made me feel like a million dollars! The dress was one that hugged to you and showed off your curves. I liked how the detailing was around the neck which added extra flam without the need for a necklace. It was comfortable to wear and to move in. You just had to remember to be extra careful when you sat down due to the length of the dress. I received a lot of compliments about the dress and many couldn’t believe how affordable it was to buy. I would stress that it is good value for money. This dress would work well with your favourite nude or black heels or ballet plumps. I wore black sandals as I was on holiday. Ill definitely be wearing this eye catcher again.


I took the ¾ sleeve top to London Fashion Week with me as I knew this top was a fashion steal. It was so comfortable to wear, didn’t dig in or slip off my shoulders. I always have problems when wearing items off the shoulder just due to the fact I am petite and have small shoulders. But this top behaved really well. I decided to go for a double denim look and teamed up with a pair of light blue molly jeggings from River Island, my pink Balmain sunglasses, sketchers and my Jackie and Celine handbag. I wanted to go causal yet still have style. I couldn’t believe how good quality this top was for the cost! This top could we worn day or night.


Lastly, I wore my white jeans out for a meal in Dundee. White jeans are not something that I wear a lot. Mainly due to the reason that I’m scared to make a mess from make up or food (yes I am quite clumsy and often set myself up to fail). But I overcame my fear that night and I am now a huge fashion fan of the white jeans. They look so much more sophisticated and go with anything. I decided to wear a white Guess t-shirt, the white jeans from Fashion Snip, a Tommy Hilfiger denim jacket and my denim look Guess trainers. This has to be my favourite outfit to date. Everything just fitted together but it was the jeans that made the outfit pop. The jeans were very comfortable and stretchy. These are now my go to jeans for nights out.



Fashion Snip really do have a good selection of clothing for little cost. The quality and finish of the pieces are just as good as some of the high-street retailers if not better. In today’s current economic difficulties, we really do need to watch our money but with companies like Fashion Snip our sense of style doesn’t have to suffer. I am so glad that I know about this company and I hope you enjoy shopping with them as much as I do. They give great customer service and you can tell that they care ab out their customers which is important.

Please do check them out for yourselves and let me know what you choose to buy. I’d love to see your outfits.

Fashion Snip can be found on the following websites:

Fashion Snip website

Fashion Snip Facebook

Fashion Snip Twitter

Fashion Snip Instagram

Thank you to Sarah from Fashion Snip for giving me the opportunity of working with you and the brand. It has opened my eyes to now there is more out there than just having to stick with what you know. I love learning about new companies.

Thank you for reading and for taking the time to keep up to date with my work. If you have any questions or would like to work together, please do get in contact with me.

Much Love

Nicole x

Black Sheep Leggings

Hello and welcome to my blog. On the blog, today I am featuring Black Sheep Leggings.

This brand is a new one to me and I always enjoy meeting and working with brands that are not well known as it’s important to promote and support independent companies as well as bigger and more known ones.

Black sheep leggings originate from Canada. They take pride on quality and customer service. Black sheep leggings offer a varied range of clothing and apparel but specialise in leggings. Their clothing is of a high standard and is purchased from all over the world which allows them to cater for all shapes and sizes. They have a motto “fitting in is out”. They are a new, fun and an outgoing company that offer more than just great products. They also allow for reps to come on board and start their own business under the black sheep brand. The reps are offered great support throughout the process and this can be seen from the great reviews they have received.


I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity of working with this company through collabor8. Black sheep leggings agreed to work with me which I was over the moon about and couldn’t wait to get started with our collaboration.

What attracted me to this brand was exactly as they said- new, fun and outgoing. I like to step out of “boxes” and push my fashion sense and be a little quirky now and again. I love the fact that their leggings can be dressed up or down. I felt that I would wear them for sports or for when I go for walks as they are super comfy yet stylish too. As my collaboration was with the leggings side of the company this is the area I am focusing on.

On their website, everything is clearly set out into section which is very handy. Sizes are marked out and identified by styles too. The leggings are all as described and very easy to swipe through. I like how all the information that you need is right there in front of you rather than having to search through different areas of the website or even having to email the company directly and awaiting a response.

The leggings are made from stretchy material and they are so soft. They fit like a glove and are very flexible to move in. As I have previously mentioned I do love the versatility of these leggings; perfect for lounging at home, going to the gym or to wear on a night out. These leggings are not plain or dull on no! There are numerous styles to choose from. If you like bright colours, you’ll be a fan, if you are big on patterns then you’ll be in for a treat or if you prefer more subtle colours then you are sorted. What I am hinting at is that there is a good selection to choose from. And at good prices of $25.00 plus shipping costs.

I chose to wear my leggings with bright pink Nike trainers and a pink active wear hoodie as I was going for a walk around Dunnottar Castle. I wanted to be comfy yet still have style. I felt that my outfit complimented one another well- I felt great in it anyway! The leggings kept me warm yet still allowed my legs to breathe which was important. They never felt tight at all or that they looked loose as some leggings I have owned have done in the past. I am impressed with this company and I hope you all check them out. If you do buy a pair, please tag me in your picture so I can see how you styled yours.


I would like to thank Black Sheep leggings for giving me the opportunity of working with you and for getting to experience this fantastic brand. I now know where to buy top quality and fashionable leggings from.




If you would like to check Black sheep leggings out for yourself, please use the following links:

Black Sheep Leggings Website

Black Sheep Leggings Facebook

Black Sheep Leggings Instagram

Black Sheep Leggings Twitter


I would like to thank you for reading and your continued support. As always if you would like to collaborate or have any feedback please do get in contact with me via my social media channels which are linked on my “ABOUT” page.

Much Love

Nicole x